Saturday, October 2, 2010

my am visit today

My am aid made me a couple of hamburgers for lunch but I would have only wanted one of them if the buns had been any good but they were freezer burned (barely), but I thought if she defrosted them they would have been editable but they weren't so I tried to eat the meat and tomatoes and pickles but the meat was extra lean and I chewed and chewed and it just sat there in my mouth and it was so dry I kept choking on it.  Needless to say I didn't finish it.  NO wonder I am loosing so much weight.  The last time I checked I had lost  35 lbs since April 15th when the hospital finally took me off my Lyricia that made me gain 100 lbs in 3 years I was on it.  I am so relieved to be off of that!  Tonight I am going to try to redo my chili for dinner.  That's about all I've got for you today.
Sending every one best wishes for all they need and some of what they want. :-)

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