Tuesday, September 21, 2010

today's homaker

My aid today made a killer pot of gr chili.  I ate 1/2 of what she brought me and she had already put some in the freezer.  The 1/2 I put away will be used later this week when I get some eggs and she can make me some breakfast burritos to keep in the freezer.  She cleaned out my fridge so good it looks new.  She found 2 new tubs of margarine that my night aid just told me I had none.  That was the same aid that told me I didn't have any chicken noodle soup and I ended up having 5 cans in the pantry where she was looking 6 more in another place and 2 sitting right out on the counter!  The aid I had today is the same one that found all that soup the morning after the other one told me I had none.
This nice lady washed and had dried about 20 bowls after having to throw out all of those leftovers that no one ever told me I had. No wonder my grocery bill is so high!  I have really bad short term memory
so most of the time I can't even remember what I ate the day before and they never tell me if they made extra.  My lady today even stayed over time to make me tuna salad for dinner and a sandwich for bedtime snack when I take my bedtime medication.

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