Monday, September 20, 2010

The start of another good day ha ha

I just can not get good help!  My PCPs either don't show up or they leave early or they don't do anything when they are here.  The girl I had on Thursday's and weekends is a 19 y/o that stood there and looked looked blank at you like a deer in the headlights of an oncoming car.  She didn't know how to cook anything.  That was her main job and doing laundry, which she didn't know how to do either.  She washed my best white towel with blue and black clothes so now it is gray.  The funny thing is this same towel was a beautiful yellow until a different aid bleached it!  Well last week she was a no call no show at her other client so she was fired.  The other girl that did 4 days a week was always a few mins. late and left a few mins. early.  She was always sick so you didn't want to be a hard ass and actually have her do her job!  As of today the company fired her because she was another no call no show for my visit.
Last week I had one substitute aid that stoled about $50 worth of cable equipment.  Of course I filed a police report and reported it to the home health agency.  I hated to report her because she is a single mom but if she is stealing from me what is she doing to her other clients that aren't all there mentally? Of course I will be reimbursed since they are bonded, but what a hassle. The new girl is going to be working from 12:30-2:30pm  That doesn't give me time to even go to the dr.  I'll have to cancel either my morning girl or my evening girl because I would have to be back home by 5pm some days  4pn.  Weekends they don't come until 6 or 7 pm.  It is really confusing.  Medical transportation lets me sit there sometimes for 3 hrs before they pick me up.
Transportation is a whole different subject.  I have been stranded for up to 4 1/2 hrs waiting for the ride home.  Sometimes the drs. office closes and I don't even have access out of rain or snow or to a bathroom!  I try to get rides from my church most of the time but I feel like I am asking them for way too many.  Sometimes my neighbor across the street takes me but I can't count on her to be there for me as much as I need either.  I can't drive because of all the pain medication I have to take to just be able to get out of bed and go to the dr. w/o excruciating pain.
I am bedrest completely right now except to go potty and to go to the dr.  I have to try to run my household from my bed, that includes training all the new help that keeps coming in.  I was just told by the sub today that there must be about 20 containers of leftover food in my fridge.  None of the food is labeled much less dated.  I guess that is just too hard.  I like my food put in glass jar in single serving sizes and then in the freezer but they put it in my sons plastic containers and he doesn't like that.  He has Aspbergers so that is a whole different story.  I have so many stories my best friend told me if I wrote a book it would be a best seller. LOL  She is serious but I don't believer her.  My life seems so boring to me, all I do is watch TV and talk on the phone and  stay on my computer all day.  I have NO social life and very few friends because I have been bedrest for 9 yrs.  This all started when I had a really severe case of shingles that left me with permanent nerve damage that make me feel like I still have shingles even though there is no sign of them.  I don't even have the scars any more, they finally went away after 7-8 years.  Now I am in the process of trying to loose 100lb that I gained while on Lyrica I begged my dr. to take me off of it and she refused so I finally changed drs. and I had a really good for a short time but then she moved out of state.  Now I am trying to train my new dr. to listen to me.  I know my body better than he does and I know when things are not normal.  He wouldn't order the test I needed so when I ended up in ER they did a MRI and found out that I have spinal stinosis (bone spurs digging into my sciatica nerves, which makes it extremely painful to walk, and I also need a rod in my neck).  I can't even get in to see the spine dr. until Nov.22nd because they book all Medicaid patients 6 mos. out.  I have lost 35lb since April 15 when the hospital took me off the Lyricia.  PTL at least one dr. listened to me.  It seems like like most of the drs. are brainwashed by the pharmaceutical reps.  Drs. NEED to LISTEN to their patients.  If I hadn't gained all this weight I could have already had my surgery from a dr. in the office that did my last surgery 3 yrs ago.  I started complaining about being really weak and falling alot 3 weeks after they did the last surgery.  The last dr. I saw while I was in the hospital said if they did the back before the neck it could make the neck worse and I think that is what happened.  The last surgery was also for spinal stinosis and a slipped disc in my back so they placed a rod in there. They told me 3 yrs ago that I would need my neck done someday.
I could probably talk all day but you'd probably go blind. So saying that please follow me as I'm going to try to post my daily experiences.
I sincerely hope the rest of your day goes better than mine did. 

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