Tuesday, September 21, 2010

things never stay the same

Yesterday the HHC (home health care)agency said they were going to send a new girl and I was not happy about that.  It is just so hard to train new people from my bed. I got a call right before they closed last night and was told that the girl I used to have that I really liked is going to take me on 7 days a week. I was going to say she was going to do me 7 days a week but my BF started roflhao so I thought I'd better change that.  I don't expect someone to work that hard 7 days a week but I'm going to enjoy it while I can.  When she was here last Thursday she said we needed to clean out the fridge. Yea, so I know what we are doing today.
People keep telling me that maybe I should just change agencies but I really like the office staff at this agency.  I did let them know that I am very disappointed with all the care I have been getting lately.  I told the owner that I really like all the people in the office but I have thought about going elsewhere and he assured me that they would not take away the girl that is coming back.  She is really friendly and she likes me.  LOL  She says I am one of her easiest clients so what's with all the other aids?
In fairness to the aids they don't get paid nearly enough to make it worth their time.  Almost everyone that comes in says they hardly have gas money to get here and most of them are looking for better jobs.  They just can't live on $8.50 an hour.  The bad part is the girls that take these jobs are usually from very low income housing areas and are very hard and street smart.  It is really sad to see because most of them are very young , in their 20's & unwed mothers raising babies by themselves.  The work that they do is worth more than min wage, when it is done right. The HHC agencies could get better help if they could pay them more.  

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